Thursday 1 November 2012

Who Was Sundiata?

According to legend Sundiata was the youngest of eleven males. Yet another says he was the second son of a Mandingo king named Nare Fa Maghan. Sundiata was born to Nare and his second wife Sogolon Conde as a crippled and weak child. For this, she was mocked by the other wives, but when Sundiata began to walk he became leader of his age-group. Eventually, jealousies of the deep love Nare had shown to Sogolon and Sundiata some even claim he was designated successor in conjunction with Nare Fa Maghan's death forced Sundiata and his mother and her other son to flee. Since no Malinke chief would offer them refuge, all being afraid of the wrath of Dankaran Tuman, the then king of Ki, Sundiata was forced to Mema. It was there that Mansa Tunkara, king of Mema, offered them refuge. He even saw and appreciated young Sundiata's courage and gave him some important responsibilities.

The Sosso king Sumanguru of the Kante dynasty, was the last king of ancient Ghana, had taken over the empire (Or more specifically, what was left of it) and was trying to reestablish the Ghana kingdom. Sumanguru Kante controlled all of the Ghana lands except for Manding. According to one legend, Sumanguru systematically killed off all of the sons but Sundiata, who was frail and weak. Sumanguru made the error of leaving Sundiata alone because of this, and would later live long enough to regret it. Another, more likely story, says that Sumanguru had taken over Manding and the rulers there fled or were killed, for Mandingo messengers found him in Mema and reported what had occurred. It was time for Sundiata to reclaim his throne and lands, and the king of Mema gave him a force of troops to return with.

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